Monthly Archives: August 2017


How to write good content for your website?

To be more precise, your content must be relevant, digestible, interesting and memorable, identifiable by the search engines. And they must be kept up to date. And if your content is good, why reserve your talent to your website?

Relevant and digestible

When you write a text, strive to think like your readers. Address your visitors, your customers. Use specific terms. Go straight to the point in your texts and descriptions. What works best is necessarily short. Avoid any entrepreneurial jargon, talk like your customers would. Otherwise, they may never come to your site. And if they succeed in falling on them, they will not understand much of it, and will go to other heavens.

People do not read websites, they scan the screen until something catches their attention. If there is too much text to inspect, or if they do not find anything they expected, they move on to something else. Split your texts. Make short sentences and small paragraphs.

Choose your titles carefully. Do not say too much, or too little, it is the rule. And give care to the language you use, it’s important: If your site is for children, say “How to make paper flowers”, if it is addressed to specialists say: “Model for Origami: Pink “.

Use illustrations. A picture is worth a thousand words. If possible, replace some paragraphs with a photo or video.

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