website redesign mauritius

Web Design Mauritius : How to Prepare for a Website Redesign?

Redesigning your website is a huge project, but with the right planning, research and preparation your website redesign can be successful. The reasons why people redesign their website are : 

  1. to increase their brand recognition 
  2. low website traffic or poor website’s usability.

Here is a to-do list to help you prepare for a smooth website redesign:


Regardless of  how challenging or easy the redesign, now is the right time to assess whether the branding will remain the same. You will have to carry out a brand quality-about your customers, your products and services, your value proposition, and your visual identity, including logos, graphics, blogs, colors and word marks.


Consider the goal you want to accomplish with the site redesign? Clarify whether it is to improve the user experience, rebrand the company, attract new market share or customer section, update an outdated style, additional serviceability, or to improve sales and marketing.

Your goal will help determine your budget for the project , for example, creative work, technical needs, testing, photography, whether the work is done in-house or outsourced.


Auditing your existing website is an important element of redesign pre-work. Your visitors should be able to browse anywhere on your site and find relevant, compelling content that conform with the brand identity and goals.

A content audit will enable us to find out what content is good, what needs to be updated or created, and what to withdraw from the new site. 

About your content  : 

  • Is it current? 
  • Does it move visitors towards business goals, 
  • Is it informative, useful or helpful?


You want to build substantial site visitors.  Whether they are current or prospective, you want to know how your customers are using your website. With a customer journey map you will be able to know when they first enter the site till when they leave. There may be multiple maps, it depends on what  customers are looking for. The important thing is to find out the path they take and fix any gaps in the user experience.


To gain success quickly, consider these metrics :

  • Unique visits, unique visitors and total visitors
  • Time spent on the site
  • Page visited
  • Bounce rate
  • Keywords and rank used to find site
  • Inbound linking domains
  • Devices used to connect
  • Content activity, such as downloads, list registrations, or newsletter sign-ups


A website that will be SEO-friendly, technically ranking your company on the top page of search results. Your old site will have been listed and established with search engines. Use the redesign as a possibility to improve your site ranking SEO.  Agencies often provide the technical SEO service together with web design and development in Mauritius.

Do you need help with your redesign project? Web Company Ltd Mauritius provides expert website design Mauritius services that result in SEO-friendly, mobile-ready, and growth-minded sites. For more information contact Web Company.