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There are currently 6 names in this directory beginning with the letter T.
Tags are used in Hyper Text Markup Language to contain HTML code. Information in between tags are generally displayed on the webpage.
Tag cloud
A series of the most important keywords in an article or a website.
Templates are webpages which has been designed beforehand. They can be used as examples for redesigning other web pages. Some templates are ready to be used. Many CMS like wordpress make extensive use of templates.
Top Level Domain. The TLD is the ending of a domain name, for example “.com” or “.mu”
A very broad term that refers to the amount of activity and/or the number of users on a web site. If something is advertised as a “traffic-magnet”, the advertiser claims that it can bring many new visitors to your web site.
Tweaks refers to making small improvements. Tweaking a web site means to modify the site’s appearance.