Shared Web Hosting

Shared Web Hosting

A high quality of services to better support you.

24/7 technical support
Email and phone support available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For continuous service.

Support by intervention ticket
Guaranteed technical intervention time 1 hour by telephone and 24 hours by email.

Complete administration interface
You manage all of your services through the Customer Administration Panel, intuitive, easy to learn.

A complete service for your shared hosting

High-end infrastructure
Enjoy High Performance Hosting Installed in Tier IV data centers with redundant networks to help increase service availability.

Domain name
There are tons of extensions you can use to register your domain name. Registering or transferring your domain name is easy with us!

Backups & Restore
Nothing should come at the expense of safety. This is why our offer includes a regular backup of your data with the possibility of restoring in one click. 1-click.

Apps Installer
Our Apps Installer includes a catalog of more than 50 web applications and an interface to manage them with just a few clicks. Benefit from powerful databases by choosing a private MySQL server (on SSD).

Additional services to better suit your needs

Private MySQL server
Benefit from powerful databases by choosing a private MySQL server (on SSD)

How long will my shared hosting be available?
The length of time your web hosting is available depends on the payment method you choose, as the access code will be sent to you within 5 minutes of receiving your payment. In other words, the availability is almost instantaneous if you pay online, and longer if you pay by check or bank transfer.

Is there a minimum commitment period?
All our hosting contracts have a duration of 12 or 24 months, the longer the duration the more attractive the price. At the same time, it should be noted that contracts are prepaid without renewal by default. Thus, when the duration of the contract approaches, our team invites you to renew it, which you can refuse by remaining silent. If you do nothing, the subscription will expire and your bank details will not be stored.

Is there help if I have a problem with my website?
The Magic Online team is at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thus, in case of difficulties, you can contact our team via the customer area, telephone or chat. Within minutes, you will get the long-awaited answer to your problem.

How does designing a website work?
Although there are many ways to design a website, Magic Online makes it easy for novices to start their projects. For this, they can rely on the installer of the Magic Online application, which allows them to easily equip their website with many features such as a CMS. Popular website (CMS), no computer knowledge required. In total, more than 50 applications covering all areas of the web (e-commerce, blogs, customer relations, IT tools, etc.) are available for download via the directory.

What is the difference between standard shared hosting and performance hosting?
The main difference between our hosting ranges lies in the resources provided with the server. In our standard offers, these are shared between customers, whereas they are dedicated to the performance offers of a single customer. Yes, those who subscribe to performance hosting services can take advantage of the virtual machines dedicated to them and the resources that come with them. Therefore, the performance is more important and allows users to access your site faster. This is a real advantage if your website seems to need to load a lot of content.

Why use a private MySQL server?
If you have opted for standard hosting, be aware that your resources are shared, just like your database. By subscribing to the My SQL private option, you ensure better performance because you will benefit from a MySQL server just for you. Equipped with SSD disks offering much higher performance, the private My SQL server will be appreciated.